We are here to assist. Here are a few things for you to think about. Full name Email We are here to assist. Here are a few things for you to think about. When was the last time you updated your will and power of attorney? 3-5 years ago 5+ years ago Never If you are incorporated, do you have a secondary will for your corporate assets? Yes No Not sure Are you aware of how your assets (home, RSPs, cottage, corporate investments, Shares of your Medical professional corporation) are taxed when you and your spouse pass away? I have no idea how these are taxed I think I know how these are taxed I have never looked at this I have a comprehensive plan that has calculated and dealt with the tax upon death, dividend distribution and capital gains on all my assets and have minimized the tax burden on my estate. How does charity play into your planning? I have never thought about charity I would like to learn more about how to give to charity and how it can benefit me today and in the future Are you interested in reducing your tax bill? I want to minimize my taxes today I want to minimize my tax today and for my estate when I am gone I am happy to pay as much tax as possible Is there anything else you want to discuss? Please type the two words below If you are human, leave this field blank.